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Garland of Hearts
Pattern included in
"Knot Dead Again"

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Crystal's Hand Warmers
Pattern included in
"Knot a Game"

And most Independant Bookstores

Pattern included in
"But Knot For Me"

... and at these online stores ...

Mindfulness Tie
Pattern included in
"Knot on Your Life"

Razzle Dazzle Scarf
Pattern included in
"Inherit the Wool"

Wanda's Four-For-One Washcloth
Pattern included in
"A Tangled Yarn"

Wanda's Four-For-One Baby Blanket
Pattern included in
"A Tangled Yarn"

Wanda's Four-For-One Triangle Head Scarf
Pattern included in
"A Tangled Yarn"

Crystal's Loom Cowl
Pattern included in
"Gone With The Wool"

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Gwen's Butterfly
Pattern included in
"Gone With The Wool"

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Crystal's Worry Doll
Pattern included in
"Wound Up in Murder"

Wanda's Scarf
Pattern included in
"Wound Up in Murder"

Wool Shawlette
Pattern included in
"Silence of the Lamb's Wool"

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Casey's It-Only-Looks-Complicated Scarf
Pattern included in
"Yarn To Go"

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